Specialty & Event Printing Rochester, NY
Some of our more popular print services are either too important to categorize, or too unique to be listed on our other print & design service menus. They range from party and wedding invitations, to rubberized stamps, poster prints and completely outside-the-box print projects. Read more about the various specialty printing services we provide here at our Rochester NY print and design shop.
Wedding Invitations
Before you spend a small fortune on wedding invitations, we encourage you to see why more couples trust us throughout Rochester.
Self-inking Stamps
Whether you're looking for a signature stamp or one with your address, we have fantastic rates and selection on self-inking rubber stamps.
Party Invitations
For about what you'll spend in time, materials and do-overs, we can create gorgeous, professionally printed invites for your next celebration.
Poster Printing
When you need larger than life printing without paying a small fortune, Rapid Print & Marketing offers affordable Rochester poster printing.
Mailers & Door Hangers
Ideal for restaurants, home service companies and many more, we offer a vast catalog of door hangers and direct mailer printing.
Embarking on a project that requires the keen expertise of a well-seasoned Rochester printer? The experts at Rapid Print & Marketing have been doing fully-customized print jobs for three decades. Give us a call at 585-924-1520 to get more info or brainstorm with one of our Senior Designers.